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Tooth Extraction

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wolf63 | 21:00 Mon 02nd Nov 2015 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I got one of my top molars wrenched out on Wednesday and it still hurts, is it meant to hurt for this long.

I also have earache but I had that before my trip to the dentist so I can't really blame the dentist for it.



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It would not be unusual to still be in pain 5 days after an extraction. Keep taking over-the-counter painkillers (if needed) and return to your dentist for review if not improving (and is painful rather than just tender) to exclude a 'dry socket'. If this is the case, the socket may need to be packed with a sedative dressing. Antibiotics not needed unless you have signs of spreading infection.
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Thanks for the reassurance.

When the dentist took out the tooth he said that the hole was a bit on the big side and he put something in my gums that would dissolve. I tried to find out what they were but have forgotten all that he said. Do you know what they are/were?
Most likely a self dissolving suture (stitch)
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The pain has almost completely vanished. Thanks.

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Tooth Extraction

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