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Skinny Guy

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misterNiceGuy | 16:15 Sun 15th Nov 2015 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
i m 5'10 and 138lb and i wanted to know how many pushups should i do to get a difference in a period of 6 months ?


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As many as you can manage and build up slowly.
Do it regularly and it will make a difference but unless you do loads it's unlikley it wil b eobvious to the casual observer.
Just build it up - tryt o do a few more each day
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can i do for example sunday,tuesday,thursday 200 reps each day every week and add more each week ?
You can do what ever you want. Push ups are very unlikely to cause you damage.

Eat Pies!
Baldric - my son is very small and eats like an absolute pig.

200 a day seems a lot. Have you thought of joining a gym?
Do it with one arm.
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scorpiojo i dont have time for gym :/

Pie in the other hand TWR?
Ah :((
Would be a good idea
the problem is that your body weight is too low to have any effect on chest growth beyond the initial spurt. You need to get into the Gym and do some bench presses among other things. Also you need to eat a lot of protein. It's a huge subject, take some advice from one of the instructors in a gym but if you can do 100s of press ups you are getting very little muscle growth.
One day you will look back at this physique and think how wonderful it was. Youth is wasted on the young....
Push ups alone won't make a lot of difference and too many aren't good for the muscles. It's meant to be about high weights with low reps to gain muscle mass
I'm no exercise expert but the question looks similar to asking how long a piece of string is, to me.

A difference in what ? Arm circumference maybe ? Why not just start slowly and monitor whatever it is you are trying for; and go from there ?

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Skinny Guy

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