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Breastfeeding In Public, Whats Your Views?

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piggynose | 11:01 Tue 09th Feb 2016 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
I ask, because a young woman is breastfeeding her 2 year old son now in my local cafe.


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i suppose it could upset people of a sensitive nature if she's serving tables at the same time
11:13 Tue 09th Feb 2016
Appropriate choice yes. Breastfeed a toddler at home if you need to - need being the word - making a 'point' in a public place is more in the mothers interest than the babies. Small babies are different -they need feeding quite often so sometimes a public feeding can't be avoided.
I saw this the other day, interesting responses.

I really do not understand the issue with breastfeeding, is a woman's breast so disgusting, or is it the fact that the baby is feeding from it, exactly why they are there in the first place! There really are some strange people in this world.
hc -no one is making judgement on at what age someone should stop breastfeeding their child - the original OP was about breast feeding feeding an older child in a public place.
Andy......a "Fustie?" Is that someone who disagrees with breast feeding in public?
If so......put me down as a "Fustie"...that is if i am not already down as one.

Totally unnecessary at whatever age.
I agree the child is a bit old for breastfeeding, but if that is the mothers choice, why the hell not do it in public or anywhere she wants to!
Ratter -why are you twisting the argument? There is absolutely nothing wrong with BFeeding in public , sometimes its necessary with small babies who need lots of feeds. A two year old hanging from the t+tties is another thing all together.
Breastfeeding is not something shameful to be done only in private.
Retro I have not twisted anything! I have addressed the issue of the age of the child!
The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for up to two years and beyond. The longer the mother breastfeeds, the longer the good health effects will be for mother and child.
\\\\There really are some strange people in this world.\\\

That's also me.

Fustie...Strange.........anything else?
Retro, maybe you need to read the OP.... here it is for you... "Breastfeeding In Public, Whats Your Views?"

Have I not just given my views?
Yes, Sqad, we know you are.
" A two year old hanging from the t+tties is another thing all together. "

What a revolting turn of phrase, retrochic
// Totally unnecessary at whatever age //

So if a baby does not take a bottle,or mum is unable to express starves?

As for the question...2 is a bit old,but other than that,I have no problem with breastfeeding in public as long as its discreet.

Sqad - //Andy......a "Fustie?" Is that someone who disagrees with breast feeding in public?
If so......put me down as a "Fustie"...that is if i am not already down as one.

Totally unnecessary at whatever age. //

If we are talking about the 'earth mother' type who ostentatiously whips her breasts out in public and feeds her baby very obviously, then that is wrong - not because she is feeding, but because she is attention-seeking, and there are people who are upset by such a sight.

But the woman in the video clip is being entirely discreet. You would have to stop and look closely to see what she is doing, and if you are that nosey, then shame on you for not minding your own business.

If you don't like to see breast-feeding, then look the other way!

Why should a nursing mother have to go ands hide in a corner as though what she is doing is something to be ashamed of?
I never breastfed in public. I don't agree with it.

\\\I never breastfed in public. I don't agree with it.\\

You don't agree with it? How dare you? Watch out for RATTER and A-H, they have a name for you.......FUSTIE
viv - //I never breastfed in public. I don't agree with it. //

Fair enough - your personal point of view - but that should not deny women who choose to do it a chance to do so in peace and quiet, without being moaned at by complete strangers who have no business interfering.
What is it about Western sensibilities that has such a twisted view on something that is not only natural but until recently was essential for life?

Why is it acceptable to have topless women posing provocatively in a daily newspaper but frown on mothers' breastfeeding their children?

I just don't get it.
in my experience women who feed in public flaunt it and seem to be seeking attention...there are plenty of baby feeding rooms in public places now..that are NOT toilets...

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