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Jenny - yes it can. A few reasons why. Obviously when diagnosed you lose weight as the body breaks down what it can to get energy but once you start getting it back in your weight should return to normal. Weight gain can also be a sign of too much insulin but that doesn't sound like the case.
It's all down to the stress and what not of losing mum Anne, I'm doing not bad but we have been working to try and resolve it the past few months. I'm neither up nor down I'm slap bang stuck in the middle. I know was great in and out quite quick this morning. She would and I feel great being able to be useful too.
What colour are you going for Grasscarp...I'd like to paint mine but my hip won't permit me to bed forward to do so, so they will have to be naked for a a spell.
If you want the hotel Tony yes and the tickets at last years prices you do need to get in early - they don't go on sale until Friday though.