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Bottle Of Whisky And A Revolver Or........

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Khandro | 23:10 Thu 09th Feb 2017 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Which would you prefer, to lie in a geriatric ward being fed glop and having your bottom wiped for you, or being allowed a self-administered exit?


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I am with gizmonster on this one. If I was in that position, shoot me straight away.
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bentaxle: Go for it! However, I think that this is one of the most important questions I, or perhaps anyone else, has have ever posted on answerbank. We all think about it, but push it onto the back burner.
If another party aids you, they are subject to criminality, if a person does not wish to continue, why should they not be allowed to 'fall on their sword', or 'Walk out onto the bacony with a revolver' as kathyan says above, it's my body, my life.
(for the record, this question is academic, not pressing :0)
"I think this is one of the most important questions.... has ever been posted on Answerbank" I think it is one of the most insensitive questions that has ever been posted on Answerbank
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237SJ; This section is called 'Body and Soul' and everything gets discussed on here from heaven to hell, from haemorhoids to incontinence, and I'm sorry if you find the subject of death "insensitive", perhaps you would be better off retiring to the ChatterBank.
I don’t see why it’s an insensitive question. We’ve all got to go at some time. Not sure I’d choose the gun, but I’d take a pill, and I do think it’s time euthanasia was legalised. I can’t think of anything worse than the indignity and the mental anguish of being old, frail, sick, and incapable of helping myself.
Someone would have a horrible scene to clear up if you used a pistol to dispatch yourself. Very selfish. However if I got into such a state I could not control my food or bodily functions I would hope there would be someway to end it all by just taking a pill and falling asleep. Apparently booze and sleeping pills don't work as you sick them up, so my GP told me anyway.

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Bottle Of Whisky And A Revolver Or........

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