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Bottle Of Whisky And A Revolver Or........

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Khandro | 23:10 Thu 09th Feb 2017 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Which would you prefer, to lie in a geriatric ward being fed glop and having your bottom wiped for you, or being allowed a self-administered exit?


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Pass me the bottle and I'll tell you in a while.
I don't know about a revolver - I'd probably miss my head after all that whisky, or vodka which would be my choice.

I definitely don't want the geriatric ward option.
I really hope that I remain sufficiently compos mentis that if the end is in sight I can depart in dignity.
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Would it not be a great saving for the NHS?
It would save my descendants a load of grief, and, now you mention it, it would be a saving for the NHS.

Everyone wins! ;)
I'm buying shares in whisky & guns.
Bad idea ... Whisky makes me feel ill.
As long as it's Tullamore Dew in large enough quantity the gun wouldn't be necessary.

That's a nice cheerful question for a Friday morning!
is wikky part of the glop ?
// Bad idea ... Whisky makes me feel ill//

suicide pact then - I will do the whiskey and you can do the glop and the gun
Over the years, I've seen a few people who have either contracted an incurable disease, such as cancer, or lost their mental capacity, so they didn't even know what day it was.
In most cases, I'm sure that the person would not have wanted to carry on with their "life" ..... I've seen people wither away, mentally and physically .... it's horrible - why can't we be allowed to end it and leave this place with dignity ...... it's time to legalise euthanasia ......
Khandro, the money spent investigating a suicide and then the subsequent inquest would negate any saving made by the NHS.
I can't imagine anyone opting for the first choice but I wouldn't do the second, either, far too violent and messy.

Is there not a pill to swallow which would allow one to pass away in peace?
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//Is there not a pill to swallow which would allow one to pass away in peace? //
I think it's cyanide.
Reports indicate that cyanide can be a bit nippy when ingested, Khandro.
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Doug. After a bottle of Tamdhu I'd hardly notice it.
not a bottle of whiskey and a revolver but a decent red and something else - pill of some kind that will send me off.
I agree with Gizmonster. I think it's time to legalise euthanasia. It's my body and I should decide when I've had enough.
Everything you've said is right Giz being 85yrs and on the short list I've been thinking it over and I think Ill start smoking drinking and womanising that sounds like the best way

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Bottle Of Whisky And A Revolver Or........

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