Is This Unsual ? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Is This Unsual ?

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Bazile | 15:50 Mon 03rd Apr 2017 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Is it unusual for the possible side effects of a two in one medication, not to be there in the medications taken separately?

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Yes, very unusual, I cannot see how it could happen.
Can you give an example of what you had in mind?
Question Author
I'm looking at a site which lists the possible side effects of the medication , Lisinopril .
Amongst other things, Indegestion and Heartburn is listed as possible side effects .

However looking at the combination drug , Lisinopril & Hydrochlorothiazide - heartburn and indegestion is not listed
My advice......when opening the pack of tablets, first throw away the "Information for use" instructions.
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I don't follow you ( at the risk of sounding dim , with particular reference to the question )
I think it highly unlikely that you stomach symptoms are due to Lisinopril..........if that is the basis of your OP.
Question Author
ok , thanks .
Do you think that other blood pressure medications / or the drug Clopidogrel are likely to be the cause of such symptoms ?
Clopidogrel could be a more likely culprit, BUT it is a big mistake to assume that certain symptoms are due to drug therapy, even if the instructions in the packet name those side effects.
The bottom line here is, if your "indigestion" is not being relieved by your Gaviscon, within a fortnight at the latest, then i would advice you to see your doctor who may well instigate further investigation.
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Thanks for your reply

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