I have had a problem since 2005. I am 67, and over the years I have been given tablets, ( no good) and poked and prodded but they cant find anything wrong with me.
There is no pattern to it. I sometimes get an uneasy feeling in my tummy sometimes not. I cant always make it to the toilet in time whether I am out walking or asleep in bed.I am at my wits end. Anyone have a similar priblem ? I am healthy otherwise.
A little more information please........do you have difficulty in passing water.....do you want to pass water urgently and then when you get to the toilet, only pass small amounts? Do you get up many times in the night to pass water?
Have you had a blood test for this water problem?
I have been put on tablets again, 2 lots, that have had no effect. I have been refferred to some clinic for tests, but had this proceedure before with no answers a while back.
No difficulty in passing water at all. No pain and there is a normalish amount, not a dribble. Some nights I can be up many times in the night other times I only get up about once
Tilly...don't leave me.
seanne, nothing sinister comes to mind and the only thing that i can think of is what Tilly suggested......a Continence Clinic.
Hello, I have the same problem started about 3 months ago went to the doctor last week and I am now on tolterodine 2 a day to soon to have an effect if any
My wife had this problem when she was 74 years old. She had had an artificial hip joint fitted, and she was incontinent when she was discharged from hospital. She began to practise pelvic floor exercised, and after about 6 months she was OK. You might find this website useful:
I am always running to the loo to wee..up every 90 mins through the night despite not drinking after 8pm and going before bed.. have to go at once with urgency, been seen by consultant urologists.. had scans , tried about 6 meds and nothing works... so I know every public toilet on my travels and have learned to live with it..boo hoo..