Quizzes & Puzzles27 mins ago
99 Answers
Looking back, just how useful has schooling been in your life?
Apart from the 3 R's did you really learn anything pertinent to your life?
I learnt about algebra, chemistry, art, woodwork, metalwork, French, technical drawing etc, and absolutely non of it had any relevance to the way my life panned out. When was the last time that you used algebra or needed to use a piece of litmus paper? When did you last draw a masterpiece or make yourself a mortise and tenon joint? When did you last design a house?
I think schooling ought to prepare kids for lifes inevitable challenges, not filling them full of ''facts'' that they will never use.
Anyway, what about you?
Apart from the 3 R's did you really learn anything pertinent to your life?
I learnt about algebra, chemistry, art, woodwork, metalwork, French, technical drawing etc, and absolutely non of it had any relevance to the way my life panned out. When was the last time that you used algebra or needed to use a piece of litmus paper? When did you last draw a masterpiece or make yourself a mortise and tenon joint? When did you last design a house?
I think schooling ought to prepare kids for lifes inevitable challenges, not filling them full of ''facts'' that they will never use.
Anyway, what about you?
School taught me very little. My Mum was a teacher and she had taught me to read,write and basic maths before I started school. Once the teachers realised I could already read and write they basically ignored me. I read every book in the school library and then joined the public library and read all the books in the children's library. A librarian realised how...
22:23 Mon 26th Feb 2018
Nailit....I'd love to say that my school days taught me that nuns are nasty, cruel, devious and spiteful human beings...but I won't...
It's not so much about what we are taught....it's about giving us the foundations to build on in our own way......opening doors and we can choose the ones we want to go through and explore....x
It's not so much about what we are taught....it's about giving us the foundations to build on in our own way......opening doors and we can choose the ones we want to go through and explore....x
Hi Nailit - have you seen this? https:/ /www.th eanswer bank.co .uk/Bod y-and-S oul/Que stion15 95551.h tml
Skills (in no particular order) include researching, analysing, interpreting, evaluating, communicating orally and verbally time management, planning, self-discipline, working with others, interacting with peers and teachers/adults, following instructions/complying with rules, .....
As for specific skills such as solving equations, using a formula, speaking French, reading music, writing spreadsheets, writing a descriptive piece of writing.... I think of it as a tool box, some of which you may use, some you may not. I have certainly used mine.
It's scary thought that so many leave school after 12-14 years without being able to write a simple letter, multiply two simple numbers or measure the length of a room.
As for specific skills such as solving equations, using a formula, speaking French, reading music, writing spreadsheets, writing a descriptive piece of writing.... I think of it as a tool box, some of which you may use, some you may not. I have certainly used mine.
It's scary thought that so many leave school after 12-14 years without being able to write a simple letter, multiply two simple numbers or measure the length of a room.
///When was the last time that you used algebra/// sometime within the last 6 months
///or needed to use a piece of litmus paper? ///Not since school
///When did you last draw a masterpiece/// Just before Christmas
/// or make yourself a mortise and tenon joint? /// In the summer whilst building a unit for the spare bedroom.
///When did you last design a house?/// Last month and I'm midway through one now.
I'm grateful everyday for the education i received......All of it!
///or needed to use a piece of litmus paper? ///Not since school
///When did you last draw a masterpiece/// Just before Christmas
/// or make yourself a mortise and tenon joint? /// In the summer whilst building a unit for the spare bedroom.
///When did you last design a house?/// Last month and I'm midway through one now.
I'm grateful everyday for the education i received......All of it!
Well, where to start?
Helped me learn to interact with others and I made some wonderful friends and met amazing scholars in many of my teachers - taught me to structure my studies and how best to use my time.
Doubt I'd have discovered I was any good at Pottery or Metalwork under my own volition and thoroughly enjoyed gaining those new skills.
Widened my interest in literature away from just the subjects my Parents read, gave me the bravery to dabble in Drama.
So so much.
Still can't thread a sewing machine and spent hockey matches running up and down and dodging the action, but hey - never mind.
Helped me learn to interact with others and I made some wonderful friends and met amazing scholars in many of my teachers - taught me to structure my studies and how best to use my time.
Doubt I'd have discovered I was any good at Pottery or Metalwork under my own volition and thoroughly enjoyed gaining those new skills.
Widened my interest in literature away from just the subjects my Parents read, gave me the bravery to dabble in Drama.
So so much.
Still can't thread a sewing machine and spent hockey matches running up and down and dodging the action, but hey - never mind.
I went to a rigorous hothouse Direct Grant Grammar school. I received the best of education. Apart from the subject contents it taught me analytical thinking which stood me in very good stead when taking my degrees. Apart from my main full-time degree I also studied for a law degree part-time. It was a breeze, thanks to school.
My schooling was the most important and useful period of my life - I went on to be a teacher as it happens but there wasn't a single subject that didn't teach me something useful - even if it was only to answer quiz questions. Education and learning is about enriching ones own mind, that is its purpose.