12 weeks is a bit early to say
oops missed it and now we will never know until delivery
isnt this - we have missed one window and so we are gonna have to wait for another ?
ah yes Nicolaides
dear dr Sqad will wake up and take on Mad hatter look when he reads this ( as he eats his porridge)
1998 - N was up before the GMC for something and was asked if he had had a complaint about harassment when he said no
and the correct answer was 'er yes actually'
so the GMC referred him to the police for perjury (!) who declined to prosecute
so the GMC brought perjury charges in a GMC hearing and found him guilty
excuse me - what did you just say ? The doctors' regulator (bad doctor, sexy doctor, shotgun doctor, poisoner etc and so on) took powers on itself to prosecute perjury ? Yup.
so what happened ? slapped wrists all round ....
moral is - - - if you kiss - you have to tell......
( it was a secretary and not a patient)
as Dr S would say/ has said o look who has written this - it must be untrue !