I have to go for an ultrascan to check out my overies. About 20 years ago I had an ultrascan to check out my fibroids and it was absolute torture holding onto your bladder, as they need a full bladder to show up other organs etc in your stomach. I cannot believe things have not moved forward in over 20 years. Does anyone have helpful tips?
I have very un-fond memories of Ultrasounds especially when 20 weeks pregnant. All I can suggest is about an hour before the scan take two Ibuprofen which will help if you tend to cramp up when you need to 'go'. Good Luck
Hellish , I have only had to have a couple of these and as someone who has bladder problems its quite a big ask to keep it in :( Just do your best, the staff do understand and try to get through it as quickly as possible for you . Good Luck
Have you actually been told by the hospital to have a full bladder for the scan? If not, check. I have had tens of scans over the past 5 years and never had to have a full bladder. The scanning devices (at my local NHS hospital anyway) are more advanced and a full bladder is not required.