The actual "teeth" will have to made specially, so there's no way they'll be able to re-use them :(
You've nothing to lose by having the initial consultation - it's free after all :)
My implant journey started Nov 2016 and the initial visit cost me £100.
This was for:
"Panoral X ray
Full implant consultation
Bite wing or periapical X ray"
Having, "been there, done that", I can only say that if you're suitable for it - GO FOR IT.
I can assure you that it's no where near as bad as it looks. I remember watching videos on YouTube of the procedure and thinking OMG - NO WAY.
Anyway, I went ahead with it and after the actual implants placement (I had 2), I actually felt ZERO PAIN in my gums (even the following day after the anaesthetic had long worn off). The main problem was the swelling and discomfort in my cheeks and facial muscles. This subsided after a few days and I can honestly say, I'm certainly happy that I went through with it.
If you've any questions about any part of the procedure, feel free to ask :)