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The Random Chat Thread

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kvalidir | 10:16 Wed 26th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Innit quiet on here? Use this thread to chat randomly about anything.
What are you doing this week for example or are you ready for Christmas? Is your neighbour a pain? Do you think your sister's wedding was tacky? What are you looking forward to?
Anything you fancy to liven Chatterbank up a bit.

I'll start- I apparently left some wet washing in my washing machine before I went away and now it's a huge solid ball of mould. Yay go me. Idiot.
Binned the clothes obviously and thought I might run some white vinegar through the machine empty after a couple more empty washes, any better ideas anyone? x


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Do you live alone, Kval?
Question Author
At the moment yes, there are other people here usually but they also are all away at the moment too in New Zealand lucky ducks, so yeah I'm on me lonesome :)
Nothing as exciting as sorting out a washing machine, at Bro's waiting for British gas to come fix their boiler... it's a bit nippy.

I hope that your clothes weren't expensive.
Didn't you recently have an audition, kval? Have you heard? And where's your man?
Ah fair play, I didn't think you were a lone homer

I want to moan about our current political situation but i assume this isn't the thread, or the right day? the frustration comes in waves
Question Author
Boilers- always fun, got the lighting of the Aga ceremony to deal with soon myself Ark, ancient and very touchy lol.

Yes I had meetings a little while ago thank you GG and that went very well :) Man is in the US working his socks off, I'm here but will be back over to him in a little while, hopefully by then my green card will be finalised too, so everything should be easier :)
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You can have a moan Spath, you can do whatever you like on this thread, that's the point of it x
Am in an out of court today - I hate days like this - get very little achieved.
Hoping to see signs of the lesser spotted workmen today - installing new door security system.

Due to logistics I am temporary concierge, have bag of keys - fancy one of those chatelaine chains to waft around with.
It'd be too much of a downer Kval ;)

Just know i see little point at the moment. We need to pull an iceland.
We've just been for a lovely walk in a sunlight dappled wood. Tilly loved rummaging about in the leaf litter. Off out for lunch in an hour when my washing's finished and on the line.

It's a hard life, innit?
i have been waiting, none too patiently now, for a letter about my scans that i had done, this has been a long old process which started back in March, its too long a story,
but suffice to say i am peed off. Not to mention the long running saga of my plumbing problem. Which has also been going on for months also, and the neighbours are having work done which makes a lot of noise, so my life is one of pain and nuisance.
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Well as long as you're not the defendant RR :)

I always wanted to be a Chatelaine when I was a kid, (too many historical novels) so I think I fell in love with my first boyfriend's House- oops.
Hope they get the new entry system sorted for you all joking apart, miserable being everyone's dogs body.

We d indeed need to pull an Iceland, ca see it happening though Spath, we're way to complacent.
What does 'pull an Iceland' mean?
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That sounds a lovely day Tilly, going to take my doggos out later once a delivery guy has turned up.

Sorry to hear about your ongoing problems Emmie, I was reading the GMEB thread, that's dreadful, they really need to be quicker, it's so worrying but my family is a HNPCC family so we all have colonoscopies quite regularly and several have had polyps removed which were benign, so try not to worry, but I know that's easy to say. x
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Iceland had almost a small and peaceful revolution and imprisoned all of their bankers after the big economic crash Tilly x
Get all the self centred, corrupt politicians (those who use expenses to renovate their estate 2nd homes) and bankers and lock em up in prison! Simple.
It is a crime against humanity to be at the top of government and to be selfish and only care about your personal position.
Waiting for an appointment with a consultant to discuss my need for a replacement knee. Waiting time gets longer and longer - gone from 12 weeks to 18 weeks already. On the plus side it's a beautiful day here and two lovely guys cut my hedge and three lawns yesterday and only charged £50.
Thanks, Kval. I must have missed that piece of news.

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