Had mine a couple of months back unusually this time my arm ached the next day this time and I wasn't alone. It usually takes about two weeks to take effect.
I had a flu jab when I was nineteen. I worked for an employer who thought it would be a good wheeze to get all hist staff jabbed to cut down on winter sick leave so he paid a private outfit to come in and do us all.
I had the jab just after lunch - about 2pm. By 4:30 could hardly stand, had to get a colleague to run me home and was off work for about ten days. So it took a little over two hours to "kick in". I haven't even thought about having a flu jab since.
I would never have a flu jab in a million years (even though I could have a free one) - my mother and mother-in-law were really ill each time they had them. I've never in my fairly long life had flu.
I've had 'flu three times. Once as above and twice since. Neither of the later episodes were anything like as bad as the one inflicted upon me by the medics.
There is no live flu in the flu vaccine so no-one can catch flu from having a flu jab. They could already have flu, or they could have a flu like virus afterwards but they didn't get flu from the vaccine, all that can do is give you a mild fever, a sore arm or full blown anaphylaxis, or most usually absolutely nothing. I never notice anything when I have mine.
Apart from the extended arm ache this time no other symptoms, a few years ago after one I did feel groggy for about five days but they obviously have to keep changing the strain they give you. I've being having it for *about ten years now.
I had a bad reaction this year for the first time. 3 days flat on my back apart from staggering to the loo and then about 5 days of poor appetite and tiredness. I have had real flu twice in my life, once as a fit healthy teenager and the second time in my 40's still fit and healthy. The reaction I had this year was a walk in the park with tea and cake compared to the real thing. I will deffo be having mine next year as usual. I live alone with two dogs and would be in a real bind if I got proper flu.
I do suspect that the reason that I had a reaction this year was because it was an adjuvant vaccine designed to trigger a more vigorous reaction from the immune system....well it sure worked for me!
This year for the first time ever, I felt grotty for a few days after but nothing bad - previous to that all I've had has been a sore arm at the injection site.
I tend to have a slightly stiff/painful arm for a day or two but consider it worth it compared to flu which I have had a couple of times and which left me bedridden for a few days both times
Since having my flu jab, two weeks ago, I have been very sniffly. Now, I seem to have sinusitis and accompanying headaches and frequent high temperature.