One of my sons never gets a temperature when he gets an infection. He has had multiple ear infections (which are now being treated with grommets). He also had a mild case of tonsilitis all summer and lost weight due to not eating but I had no idea he was ill until I took him to the docs and they prescribed some antibiotics. He has even had pneumonia twice with no fever. Is this normal?
Yes. I am immune suppressed which means I can get infections very easily and have to be monitored. My GP told me one can have a quite serious infection without an elevation in temperature, and often a dip in normal temperature is more serious than a small rise.
What makes it more difficult is that he is non-verbal (querying autism at the moment) at three years old. So he can’t tell what hurts. Are there any markers I should look out for?
Pain is not the only manifestation of infection in a child, as one should consider temperature (is he/she warm or hot), listless, off their food, lying around not wanting to play or interact.
Thank you, that’s helpful. He spent all summer running around the garden perfectly fine and I just assumed the heatwave made him less keen on eating. Turned out he had a low level infection and he’s spent the last couple of months eating me out of house and home to catch up.
Do I need to be concerned of anything untoward if it’s not normal? He has a corrected heart defect so he maybe colder than normal anyway. He certainly gets colder quicker than my other two.
I can't see that his heart defect is a major factor as it has been repaired and do not be concerned about his absence of temperature in response to infection as you have plenty of other signs and symptoms.