My daughter went to GP surgery to pick repeated thyroid medication up (hypothyroidism) and was told it is no longer on repeated prescription! She's only got half a thyroid, as she had one removed about 10 years ago. She was only in her early 20s. Well, she burst put crying in surgery, as she feels awful, having run out of them a couple of days ago. Also, she is planning to come away with is for a few days with her 15 month old son. She was told to ring doctor, who signs prescriptions. She has been ringing and ringing. Receptionists told her he's still on phone to someone else...That's been over an hour or so now! I hope she can get them, I feel so sorry for her. Anyone else got this condition, or experienced similar?
Tilly, she is a bit depressed, I think. Her little boy is 15 months old, now. A dear little soul, but still wakes through night. She back at work, and finding it very tiring at times. I'll encourage her to see doctor.
I read somewhere that there has been a rule change
so that (some of ) what was on continual repeat has to be reviewed.
(I get reviewed anyway as there is general surprise I havent died)
the skool leva on the front desk of the GPs really shouldnt 'explain' by saying: ya cant av that now.....