Could I please be allowed to comment on this thread by putting some perspective into the OP?
Firstly, i cannot begin to congratulate BB on the challenges that he has faced from the results of his past life style and health issues, so all i can say is you have all our admiration BB.
Now to the boring bit.
Peripheral Neuropathy is extremely uncommon in chronic alcoholism and amputation is a rarity, the case of BB is the first that i have encountered. Chronic alcoholism has innumerable social and medical implications much more common and devastating than peripheral neuropathy in alcoholics.
The most commonest cause by far, BY FAR is poor blood supply in Type 2 diabetics, which results in many thousands of amputations performed in the NHS annually.
I am in no way denigrating the post by BB, quite the opposite a very brave and man blessed with an abundance of fortitude, but wanted to give the post some underlying medical in formation.