Hubby thought he would be smart one time and he put the same poo on for the 3 days! He soon got another kit with stern letter saying it must be 3 different days. So they must check.
Barsel....the information that you were give was correct.....occult blood in the faeces demands investigation by endoscopy.
It is the test that comes back negative that may well mislead you.......and the doctors.
To be fair, it does say in the letter that the tests are not conclusive either way. I do the tests because Bowel Cancer is the 4th most prevalent cancer in the UK and the 2 yearly test 'may' just pick up on something. However, if i ever have any of the symptoms, i wouldn't be waiting for the two yearly test, i'd be down the Doc's PDQ.
Sqad I wrote++No JJ. I was told they are looking for what looks like blood, so if you have been eating beetroot, you could still get a callback. The only way they can test properly is if you go for a colonoscopy.++
Sparklykid replied ++They look for traces of blood. Not beetroot or black puddings or any red food,doh.++
I have asked for an apology for this remark but I just wanted to know if the info I put was correct or not.
Sorry, I also meant to mention that (I was told) if you have haemorrhoids then they cannot tell if the blood is from that or something more sinister. JJ wanted to know if they can test properly with a little poo on the card. I answered no and I'm sticking to that answer.
Barsel...your idea of examining these samples is a bit odd. They won't be using naked eyes looking for anything remotely red! Ever heard of microscopes?
No gingejbee, I've never heard of microscopes or machines that test the samples, I thought each one was tested by the human eye. Perhaps you would also like to add doh!
"Sorry, I also meant to mention that (I was told) if you have haemorrhoids then they cannot tell if the blood is from that or something more sinister."