My adult daughter is a chronic asthmatic and is having a problem obtaining her preventative inhaler. The pharmacy told her to contact surgery which she did and they prescribed an alternative. The pharmacy said today that they can't get any preventative inhalers. Has anyone else had trouble or perhaps it's just our area - Kent?
My Gp prescribed couple of spares for me as mine come from mainland Europe. Also my anti depressants, I am grateful I didn't ask for the extra, they were there when I went to pick them up.
I use Symbicort too and had no trouble getting a repeat prescription in the East Midlands. Maybe it's because Qvar is less widely prescribed and more specialist, rather than where you live.
Thanks Buenchico thought there must be a problem somewhere. She hasn't ordered more, our GPS are quite strict won't even let her have an extra Reliever even though she's often on Steroid tablets too. She has rung another pharmacy without any luck of getting one. She will keep trying.