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If You Can Fake Sincerity...

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allenlondon | 15:59 Wed 09th Sep 2020 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made. (probably Groucho).

Watching Ben Shepherd on Tipping Point I’m always amazed that he doesn’t even. TRY to fake it...



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See it all the time. Although I don't watch Tipping Point.
Roy Walker on catch phrase
Les Dennis on family fortunes

You're good but not right
If the answers up there I'll give you the money myself
Hughie Green was the Master of it.
It was George Burns.
Not on "Opportunity Knocks"it wasn't.
My response was to Allen, but you knew that ;-)
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Hughie Green’s line was “And I mean that sincerely folks” to which the crowd replied ‘Oh no you don’t’!
How would I know that,mamya,I am not a mind reader.
I should have worded my reply better - It was not Groucho Allen, it was George Burns.
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Eats, shoots, and leaves.

Groucho didn’t share any of his names with me. (Pure punctuation pedantry; an old man’s amusement).

(You had to be there).
johnny - // You're good but not right //

The most frequent was "It's close, but it's not right ..." which was usually really kind, because the entire viewing public was screaming at its collective TV sets - "You're miles off you dumb twerp!!!!!!!""
Give me a go, I'll take his salary and package that he gets paid.....I too can be 'nice' when confronted with thickos and halfwits.

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