bluemoon - //
Dentists-what do people think of them?
I for one don't trust them having had a dentist do a so called extraction and later finding bits of the tooth that were supposedly extracted turning up in my gum up to ten years later after further teeth had "fallen out"? //
I don't think you can brand all dentists as unprofessional because you endured one bad experience.
I had an extraction done when I was twenty-one, and had to go back and have bone fragments taken out that should have been extracted at the time.
The experience have me a phobia that needed tranquilisers to get be in the building, never mind up the stairs into the room and into the chair.
That lasted over fifteen years until I found a great dentist who was wonderful, and I stayed with him until he retired.
I now have another excellent dentist whom I trust implicitly, so you have to take the chance and let another dentist over-ride your bad experience.
The alternative is to lose all your teeth.