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Grey Hair

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phleb | 22:27 Wed 13th Oct 2021 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
Ok so I have to colour my hair every 2 weeks to maintain grey coverage.

I’m sick of it!!

I want highlights and don’t want to pay that kind of money if my greys will come out after a week.

How do you lovely ladies maintain your hair to keep greys at bay? Is there a more concentrated colour I could use? Thanks this is upsetting me now x


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Why don't you stop colouring it and embrace your grey - like Dawn French just has:
I dyed my hair a few years ago and let it grow out: I have now taken my hairdresser’s advice to keep it as it is and now love the colour.l love the colour and don’t brush
I'm very lucky, just as my mum was, to be in my 70s with only the odd grey hair. Never wanted to change my hair colour.
Like mr Smow. - he’s 49 and still has a full head of dark hair - he’s not even losing it as well as not going grey.
Grey hair can look good on both men and women anyway. There was a guy in my year at college who, through an inherited genetic condition, had hair that was largely grey when he started his studies at the age of 18. Just a year later his hair was a beautiful silver grey colour throughout. He had all the women in college after him, due to his fantastic 'distinguished' look ;-)

Perhaps you could try one of these looks, Phleb?
Your hair will grow and you will have roots no matter how often you dye. Speak to your hairdresser about different styles that might give you longer in between dying i.e. a fringe.
I stopped colouring mine in Jan 2020 and it’s a blessed relief not having to see those pesky silvers peaking through 2 weeks after colouring.
i am blessed with light brown hair that only has a small sprinkling of grey at the sides, i used to have hi lights, but stopped that ages ago.
perhaps its time for you to embrace the grey, with a great cut it can look wonderful.
the reality is the older we get the more it becomes an absolute chore to keep on top of the grey, there is more of it and you have to constantly keep recolouring. My advice would be to embrace the grey, coloured hair (especially dark) can be very aging as your skin tones change as we age, focus on a good cut and condition and good skin care rather than hair colour x
Have just reread your post phleb. What colour is your hair exactly and why do you need to get the roots done so often? Am guessing your hair is dark? Also guessing that you go to a salon, which can be expensive - could you not colour it yourself? (Yes an awful lot of guessing going on here I know lol)
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Age perfect lasts about four weeks on my hair but I only wash it once a week. All colours fade quite quickly if you wash your hair every day or two. Grey hair is hard to get a lasting result unless you can weaken it a bit. I use a low concentration bleach first just enough to go a shade lighter. TBH if you are unsure enough to ask the question you should probably get it done professionally as they can use a more concentrated mix than those you can buy in the hair colour aisle.
I did the natural colour thing for about a year, but very few people liked it, wasn't grey/silver enough so looked a harsh steel shade. Will try again in about 5 years.
You could go a bit lighter with your highlights and then the greys won’t be so obvious as they come through.
HAIR? I wish!
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Phleb you could go with all the suggestions above but if you're actually not ready to go grey and embrace your age (blah blah) then the spray retouches are actually very good (well the L'Oreal one is, Superdrug's own not so much and Schwarzkopf too heavy IMO)) and will give you at least an extra week.
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Show grey then, is that better? This is a question from a female that many females will understand. I have put a helpful suggestion rather than just say live with it.
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