naomi - // AH, the vaccinations affect people in different ways. Some have no effects at all. Others aren’t so lucky. I was quite poorly with all three. My husband - zilch. You can’t generalise. //
That does not negate the point I made.
The side effects are advised to people as they have their injection, they do not say, and incidentaly, neither did I, that everyone will have the same side effects to the same degree.
I had one day in bed, then felt fine, my wife was poleaxed for four days, my mother in law, who is approaching ninety, had no effects at all.
Any and all medication can cause side effects - there is always an exhaustive list of potential reactions to accopany any prescribed medication - but the effects are obviously individual, and the fact that a proportion of people may have them in no way makes a case for people to avoid having their jabs and boosters.