Crosswords2 mins ago
Nailit's Probably Not Around
72 Answers
But here's some reading relating to AstraZeneca and blood clots. Out of 50 MILLION doses in the UK, there have been 73 deaths.
Scientists are finding out why...
https:/ / /news/h ealth-5 9418123
Scientists are finding out why...
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Why wind him up? Why believe anything you read at the aBBC.
The Gov. website for adverse vaccine reactions (ADR's) claims in the up to date post there have been 400,000 reports. Which is odd because the same site said there were 1.15m by August. They've obviously let the special number crunchers at them.
The more important numbers:
They say several thousand have died within 7 days of the vaccine but they're chalking them up to natural causes*.
However, over 1,800 had an ADR reported and died 'shortly thereafter'.**
Still small numbers compared to the amount of vaccinations given but a lot more than the 72? the aBBC would like to implant in your head.
The J&J vaccine, in the US, was 'practically banned' just before Christmas because, they said, 8 people died with heart attacks. If you believe that number, you'll believe anything.
I'm not anti vax. Just anti all the data manipulation going on.
The Gov. website for adverse vaccine reactions (ADR's) claims in the up to date post there have been 400,000 reports. Which is odd because the same site said there were 1.15m by August. They've obviously let the special number crunchers at them.
The more important numbers:
They say several thousand have died within 7 days of the vaccine but they're chalking them up to natural causes*.
However, over 1,800 had an ADR reported and died 'shortly thereafter'.**
Still small numbers compared to the amount of vaccinations given but a lot more than the 72? the aBBC would like to implant in your head.
The J&J vaccine, in the US, was 'practically banned' just before Christmas because, they said, 8 people died with heart attacks. If you believe that number, you'll believe anything.
I'm not anti vax. Just anti all the data manipulation going on.
* They may well have died of natural causes but I never heard them say 'Several thousand people died of Covid last month but we're putting them down to natural causes'
** Those figures look very similar to when I looked at this site 6 months ago. Have the number crunchers been at work again?
Maybe I just expect the Gov. to lie about everything now.
** Those figures look very similar to when I looked at this site 6 months ago. Have the number crunchers been at work again?
Maybe I just expect the Gov. to lie about everything now.
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/publi cations /corona virus-c ovid-19 -vaccin e-adver se-reac tions/c oronavi rus-vac cine-su mmary-o f-yello w-card- reporti ng
and halfway down the google page
see the number of reported ADR's up to August.
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=a dverse+ vaccine +reacti on+uk&a mp;neww indow=1 &sx srf=AOa emvLfFd yWHj45N cYqAWym DuDUM4W 7oA%3A1 6409233 53215&a mp;sour ce=hp&a mp;ei=2 YDOYeHs CvWBhbI PtOGnsA o&i flsig=A Ls-wAMA AAAAYc6 O6YlveK iaWQG4M ODakwZ- SjB5cTK 2&o q=adver se& gs_lcp= Cgdnd3M td2l6EA EYADIEC CMQJzII CAAQgAQ QsQMyCA gAEIAEE LEDMggI ABCABBC xAzIFCA AQgAQyB QgAEIAE MggIABC ABBCxAz IICAAQg AQQsQMy CAgAEIA EELEDMg UIABCAB DoECC4Q JzoLCAA QgAQQsQ MQgwE6E QguEIAE ELEDEIM BEMcBEN EDOhEIL hCABBCx AxCDARD HARCjAj oOCC4Qg AQQsQMQ xwEQ0QM 6DgguEI AEELEDE McBEKMC OggILhC ABBCxAz oICC4Qs QMQgwE6 CwguEIA EELEDEI MBOgsIL hCABBDH ARCvAVA AWM8fYP I4aABwA HgAgAGs AogBzAi SAQcwLj YuMC4xm AEAoAEB &sc lient=g ws-wiz
and halfway down the google page
see the number of reported ADR's up to August.
ADR’s can be anything from thrombosis to a mild headache or skin rash
Look again at the data then calculate the odds of dying from a vaccine
No need
Already done for you
More chance of getting hit by a bus
Do not fancy the vaccine as a preventative measure ?
No problem
Do not ask for medical help retrospectively though
It was offered countless times and you refused
Continue to do so if you feel unwell and do not burden the nhs
Your convictions and belief got you that far
They can take you all the way surely ?
You do not trust this medicine
Best you do not trust the others either
Look again at the data then calculate the odds of dying from a vaccine
No need
Already done for you
More chance of getting hit by a bus
Do not fancy the vaccine as a preventative measure ?
No problem
Do not ask for medical help retrospectively though
It was offered countless times and you refused
Continue to do so if you feel unwell and do not burden the nhs
Your convictions and belief got you that far
They can take you all the way surely ?
You do not trust this medicine
Best you do not trust the others either
The BBC are under threat of losing their license so are towing the government line and following the narrative. All I see on this site from the fervent media following vaxxers is bitterness and anger. Why are you all so angry? Pasta why did you feel so much venom to post this thread?
The reality is very different to the numbers pumped out on mainstream media, please continue to keep your head in the sand, maybe you will wake up after your 6th vax, maybe you wont and you will get your free ice cream/burger x
The reality is very different to the numbers pumped out on mainstream media, please continue to keep your head in the sand, maybe you will wake up after your 6th vax, maybe you wont and you will get your free ice cream/burger x
Every new variant will take out a few more of the unvaccinated. It's a self regulating problem and one we won't need to think about unless a really nasty variant develops that can by-pass the vaccines in force at the time. Until then I will listen to the scientists and not just the official government ones.