Think about just how many people there are in the world. Seven thousand million people - when I last looked at least! Someone told me this once - whatever you are thinking, whatever you are feeling, there is ALWAYS someone else somewhere thinking and feeling exactly the same things as you. When the internet came along I thought I might test this idea. I have found that whatever I try to think of, someone else has already thought of the same (or very similar) idea. Try it out - think of something bonkers - like,er, the 'study of dental decay in gerbils'. I just made that up and haven't bothered searching for it, but I will bet there are Google results for it. Same with how any of us feels - someone else not only will be feeling the same - but I would bet that there's someone else somewhere feeling exactly the same at right this moment. My point is not to find them, but just know you are never ever the only person to think/feel like that. The other thing to try to remember - is that when you are a young person (which I am guessing since you mention school) - time passes very slowly. Time gets faster as you get older. For me now - a whole year feels like only a month passing. Things are always changing - you will decide on a school subject or a hobby or a skill - that you want to concentrate on and you will get so focussed on it you will become one of the best at that thing - you will be so busy enjoying do your favourite thing you won't notice the things that get you down now. Someone at school when I was a kid (I think it was a boy in the sixth form) once told me - "Don't bother what everyone else is doing. Ignore them. You just do your own thing". Which I did. Except - I did not get a balance. I just non-stop studied this one subject (& just enough to get by in other subjects). I never learnt a musical instrument, I never did sports, I never mixed with any school friends) - so if you can try to get the balance I failed to achieve. I did real well in one subject but I wish I had made time to do something recreational as well, though no one could have stopped me working on my one subject even if they tried. All I can say in favour of my absolute focus on one subject is that it allowed me to ignore everything else around me. Except I regret I didn't help my mum much round the house. I just always said I was busy studying. Oh another idea I just remembered - I have always written stuff down, making lists - all kinds of lists - and I think now tat doing that gets stuff out of your head because subconsciously your brain know you ave it down on paper - so the brain doesn't have to worry about thinking about it - so write down lots of things to give your head space to think about other things instead. Crikey - sorry to witter on so long. I'm off to get some breakfast now. I know things will get better for you - things are always changing - you've already shown you have initiative to change things for yourself by asking a question on here for a start!