This isn’t body-shaming or whatever the phrase of the month is, just simply I have never been attracted to fat women.
I believe what people find physically attractive is hard-wired and people have a type. My type has always been slim and auburn; I can objectively see some fat women are attractive, but I’ve never felt any attraction.
We all, I think, like different types. Someone comes along sometimes that you find attractive as is far from your usual types. I don't go for dark men. I prefer men with some meat on them and I love beards and fair (or ginger)tousled hair. I prefer, casual and a bit hippy at any age, and quiet. But I found Bob Hoskins very attractive. In the end though personality matters more than looks.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but for me the 'Essex' look or the other extreme big boned hairy women who clearly don't take care of themselves and have no self respect.