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sandra4444 | 13:54 Sun 20th Feb 2022 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
As you get older do you become more grumpy?


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I'm not sure we oldies *become* more grumpy...we just get to the point we say what we feel, and don't worry as much about what others think. Maybe some define that as grumpy.
I can’t remember.
No. More placid. Stupidity and ignorance bothers me less :-)
I have become more grumpy in some ways, but more shoulder shruggy in other ways about things which would have wound me up in the past.
And I swear more in my head whilst smiling sweetly.
We just become less tolerant of bull**** and snowflakery
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AB just seems to be a place for some to let off steam, more steam than an old train. I've never experienced anything like it. Or its just boredom? :0)
You can always tell when RH is around, her sycophants always gravitate towards her. Don't they, Anne?
Vagus. Shoulder shaggy . :-)
It my be true of some, Sandra. I never get 'grumpy'. I honestly don't Cynical, yes, definitely, but cynicism comes with experience.
You've led a very sheltered life, sandra. This place is no worse than pension day queues of old with one big difference, you can't get a bottle of what you fancy when you leave.
Stickybottle - // We just become less tolerant of bull**** and snowflakery //

I entirely agree.

I think, as you get older, your tolerance for nonsense decreases, and your willingness to say so increases.

That is personified by Victor in 'One Foot In The Grave'.

I have always believed that people's perception of him as 'grumpy' is incorrect.

What he is, is someone who simply wants things to be as they should be, and he has an unwillingness to accept simple stupidity and injustice, and a corresponding willingness to call it out when he finds it.

It's the hallmark of all the wonderful 'trapped' comedy characters, Hancock, Steptoe Junior, Fawlty, they are all surrounded by idiots, and shout out at it all day long.

I am getting the same, and I am quite happy about it, which, paradoxically, actually makes me less grumpy.
Except at bathtime. ;-)
14.03 I still keep spliting my sides with laughter S/B everytime you avatar appears.
Your life must be so dull gulliver the number of times you PYSL at SBs avatar this weekend.... is the sun not shining on your island
15.22 I just can't help it.
Wonder what TTT thinks of it ,?
Some must and think we don't notice... I look forward to being a grumpy 'Old Git' if I make it... :-/
It's possible. Many people settle into a routine, which they live their life by. I believe that having a routine way of living saves you having to think. If a routine, that has long been established, is disturbed, the person concerned is grumpy, because they have to alter their way of thinking, or their way of living.
No. I'm a lot more tolerant than I ever was and don't think I'm ever that grumpy.

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