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Will You Have The 4Th Jab?

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Barsel | 18:08 Sun 20th Feb 2022 | Body & Soul
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A friend of mine who has bone cancer is going for her 4th jab on Wednesday.
If it was offered to you,(if you qualify) would you take it?


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I don't know. Probably, yes.
18:09 Sun 20th Feb 2022
//Nailt; it's not worth the bother of trying to discuss issues with you//

Im wounded, Im sure!
Shan't sleep tonight...

I'm sure you don't take me seriously Nailit. Carry on regardless; you know that's what you want.
//I'm sure you don't take me seriously Nailit.//
I do. But its you who said
//it's not worth the bother of trying to discuss issues with you//
So dont. Do one.
Why even bother replying?

I'm not to keen on having 4 vacs in such a short space of time, that's just what my head is telling me. However I shall keep an eye on infection rates / hospital intakes, and hope to get to next winter before having another dose. In the meantime should a new variant come about then it may be a different ball game to think on.
Nightie night, Nailit. I know where you're coming from and I know you won't change your opinions because of anything I say. So sleep tight and look after yourself and others.
//I'm not to keen on having 4 vacs in such a short space of time//
Or the 5th 6th & 7th?
When is this madness going to stop??
//Ive had Covid. No vax.
Was ill for a couple of days.
And thats it!//
Thats good to hear.... although am sure you sounded quite unwell and for more than a couple of days from your post. If one case proves or disproves anything Ive had all 3 jabs and never had covid despite working in a busy workplace meeting hundreds of strangers daily. Maybe I been lucky but am sure the vax helped me.. My mam is 80 and vunerable, has had 3 jabs and recently survived covid, am pretty sure it would of killed her like some of her friends if it had been 12 months earlier when not vaxxed at all.

//People have had jabs and died or been ill.
Thrombosis, neurological disorders, myocarditis etc//
Very true. Many more have died of them things without having a jab. So what does it prove. Nothing. Have you considered the numbers dying of them things due to a jab is far far far less than the 100000+ who died in UK of covid in 2020/early 2021 before being vaxxed
//Nightie night, Nailit. I know where you're coming from and I know you won't change your opinions because of anything I say//
No, you dont know that. People change their opinions all the time according to the evidence thats available at the time.
Night anyway.
What I don't get Nailit, is why you're so aggressive towards others who have had/will have boosters. You've made your choice, they have theirs. Just move on.
// Many more have died of them things without having a jab. So what does it prove. Nothing.//
Thanks for proving my point Bob!
We are more than well off just to have the choice.
Bobbin; I admire your patient and calm response to Nailit. He seems to be in reasonable health, fortunately. And that's good news.
//What I don't get Nailit, is why you're so aggressive towards others who have had/will have boosters. You've made your choice, they have theirs. Just move on.//
Mozz, I couldnt give a monkeys. Nowhere have I been aggressive towards those that have had jabs/boosters. (provide a link)
Not sure I fit the description of 'Religious person' but thanks for the education.

I wish everyone the best with their choices.
Maybe aggressive was the wrong word, forceful maybe? Dismissive, most definitely.
Something to ask your Priest maybe Mamy?
How have I been 'Dismissive' Mozz?
Worst best answer I have ever seen.
^ Yes, I thought it was a bit odd lol ...
Mozz, questioning the narrative is not aggressive or dissmisive.
Its exactly that. Questioning.

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