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Is It Ok To Shower Twice And Week?

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drobi619 | 20:55 Tue 22nd Nov 2022 | Body & Soul
77 Answers
I am thinking of moving to a washing hair only on Wednesday and Saturday.


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Ahh, I see. Moving the goalposts. Ok.
or the showerheads - and I am not even talking the water temperature....

try an Iceland glacier, the Breidamerkjokull, for 8 weeks, the water temp 1-2ºC - many of us nearly qualified as Vatican choirboys or girls after that experience.... actually, the frequency also comes down to the humidity level - which was very low when I was there.
It's very much a personal thing, and foe me it also depends on my planned activity for the day. I don't bath/shower unless I'm going out amongst the great unwashed, or expecting visitors; just a quick daily splash at the basin otherwise (and of course regular hand washing throughout the day, once again as circumstances dictate)
Very quick shower in the evening but only wash my hair every 3 days and use dry shampoo on the roots if it looks greasy.

I have a soak in the bath once or twice a week too, during the winter.
Did'nt see any goalposts moved naomi...bednobs give a good answer to your question , she give a list of possible reasons.
But no one here claimed special circumstances, Bob, or mentioned then, so no, it wasn’t a good answer. I’m still waiting to hear how washing is quicker snd more effective than showering.
//I’m still waiting to hear how washing is quicker and more effective than showering.//

It's demonstrably quicker and is adequate in its efficacy. There's obviously no way people will agree on this or change their habits. I'm certainly not going to be taking a daily shower! End of.

Smell ya later!
do you put on clean clothes every day....^
if you do then don't you think that putting clean clothes on a body that's unwashed rather perverse.
Certainly not - why would I?
so not only don't you change your clothes every day, you don't shower every day either.. strange.
You're the strange ones emmie Your washing machine must be blowing a fuse!

Do you change your bedding every day?
my washing machine is used twice a week or sometimes three if doing all the bedding. I put on clean clothes after i take a shower,
So you shower in the morning then go to bed dirty in the evening between mucky sheets you've already slept in for days - that's gross, ugh!
i don't think we are going to agree on this, so bye for now
who said i go to bed dirty?
-- answer removed --

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Is It Ok To Shower Twice And Week?

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