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Is It Ok To Shower Twice And Week?

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drobi619 | 20:55 Tue 22nd Nov 2022 | Body & Soul
77 Answers
I am thinking of moving to a washing hair only on Wednesday and Saturday.


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You probably had a privileged upbringing emmie. When I was a kid we had no bathroom. We bathed on Sunday nights in a tin bath in front of the living room fire - kids first, then put to bed, parents after. It was normal where we lived.
us too dave - but we always had a bath before bed.
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So you brought the tin bath in from the yard every night & heated enough water to bathe in. I find that exceptional.
my mother was an exceptional person,
// tooth brush//

you were lucky!
when we lived in a flat, when i was young we had a proper bathroom with a bath in it, no showers in those days.
You had a bathroom, emmie. Like Dave, we didn’t. Not even an indoor toilet.

I would hate to get dressed in the morning without showering first.
me too Naomi....
I have a long hot bath every other day, and wash my hair and shave and clean my teeth in the bath.. I only ever shower in the summer, and that is primarily to cool down. I put conditioner on my hair early on, and leave it to soak in, maybe for 3 quarters of an hour, before washing it out last as I get out of the bath. I use deodorant daily, Lynx Gold is my current favourite.
i don't have a bath now as i couldn't get in or out of it. So I have a nice warm to hot shower every day, its a routine i have had for years.
From conversations here it surprises me how unwashed some people are. Some don’t even wash their hands after using the toilet. Surely it’s a matter of self respect?
Unless it’s Chanel ‘Chance’ I would hate to ‘chance’ being smelly.
agreed Naomi....

Old Geneva convention ( 1940-5) said allied POWs got a warm shower once every two weeks, and it didnt seem to kill them.
whether or not they smelt is neither here nor there
Too much is made of personal hygiene these days - it may be a reason why children suffer more from allergies. Not being exposed to muck from an early age.
and clean my teeth in the bath.
oh, I clean my teeth in the kitchen sink
about the only thing I use it for ( no stop that, dirty boy!)
yeah my auld dad ( he of the POW camp) used to say shampoo not more than once a week
as it defatted the hair
I thought he was probably right
no one suggested it would kill you not to shower, but honestly in this day and age one can and should be clean. Its not hard is it. step in shower, wash down with soap or shower gel and then get out and dry with a towel, hardly rocket science is it.
surprisingly someone has measured hand washing before and after Covid - its gone up ( sort of christ how much did THAT research cost?)
Not having had a bathroom when I was young all the families daily ablutions were performed at the kitchen sink.

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