For the last few weeks I have been having waves of pins and needles all down my left arm. Sometimes quite strong other times a bit lighter. Happens quite often, about 5-10 minutes apart. Also both thumbs have gone dead. Very annoying when trying to turn pages in the newspapers. I did look on line and it mentioned could be heart related.
Had to go o doctors to hand a specimen in so asked if I could see a doctor.
When I explained why she said can you come back at 5.15. Gosh that had me surprised. When I got there the doctor gave me a going over. Said I had a heart murmur. Gave me an appointment for Friday to have an ECG.
Has anyone else had anything like this before?
For goodness sake! Who needs this at 5.30 in the morning?! LCG, despite being unqualified you regularly use medical terminology and portray yourself as knowledgable. However, you (and one other in particular) have been known to be dismissive of conditions that require proper medical
attention and you often give poor and misleading advice - and that should concern everyone. Now please stop this.
I’m not arguing, LCG, but you did recently tell someone seeking medical advice to stop worrying and go and have a cup of tea. You were wrong. Now please stop.