Go cut a long story short, I was unable to get results for a recent MRI update scan in my spine - everyone said they didn’t have the results. Was to,d to fill in form and ask for my medical health records, which I did, and arrived today.
On the MRI it says ‘ there is a L1, L2, wedge compression fracture. I note a retropulsed fragment measuring 7mm extending into the canal’. What does that mean??
It means that the accident which you had some time ago, hasn't completely healed , or if it has then has left a degenerative part of your lower spine. The retropulsed fragment is either a part of the arthritic change or indeed a part of the old fracture.......whichever, it is sticking into the wrong place which may cause problems for you in the future.
Depending upon your clinical symptoms someone will have to make a decision as to the need for surgically removing this "bone fragment."
Is what bad?
If you mean the thought of an operation on your back ,it is not what you would want as your party piece but if that fragment is causing life changing symptoms then an operation may be needed.........or not.....that will be a clinical decision.
They have already said that they can’t do the original planned cementing procedure as the discs have shattered and so nothing to cement into, so only option now is plates/screws, but they have requested urgent bone scans to see if even that is possible now. Thanks for your feedback Sqad - much appreciated x