Body & Soul6 mins ago
Can people with lukemia lead a normal life, I know of 2 people who have it and yet they look very well, walk for miles, seem fit is there different types of this disease
My dear young S.I.L. died at 25 years with it. She died within 2 years of diagnosis. At one point the doctors thought she had gone into remission after a miracle new drug was used on her ( Vinchritian). I hope they have discovered better drugs now.It was heartbreaking to be with my wife and MIL to watch her go in front of us at Charing Cross Hospital
yes, there are 4 main types
AML (acute myeloid leukemia)
CML (chronic myeloid leukemia)
ALL (acute lymphocitic Leukemia)
CML (chronic lymphocyitic Leukemia)
the acute ones can get worse and be fatal very quickly without agressive treatment
the chronic ones are often those diseases that people die with rather than from, and often need much less agressive trtment (if any)
My dear young S.I.L. died at 25 years with it.
terrible disease - - but.... many advances over 25 y. You are looking at 80% cure for children under 10 with CALL
with ALL in children, they look at "cell markers" and this subdivides into many many types.
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