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Fading A Freckle

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smurfchops | 10:47 Fri 10th Nov 2023 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

On my face, lemon juice or what?? 



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Why bother.

Maybe you can get it cut out and a skin graft applied.

No in my experience you cannot fade freckles

Why would you want to do that ? As my grandfather said, a face without freckles is like a sky without stars.


My nana used to call them sun kisses when I complained about mine


If you have only just aquired it, are you sure it's a freckle ?

Just found this smurfchops.

Buttermilk: Apply buttermilk directly to your skin. You should leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can also create a mask by combining buttermilk with oatmeal. Buttermilk has lactic acid, which could potentially help lighten your freckles.

Sour cream: Apply sour cream directly to your skin, and then wash it off after a few minutes. Like buttermilk, sour cream contains lactic acid.

Yogurt: Apply yogurt directly to your skin and leave it on for a few minutes. Yogurt also contains lactic acid.

Patsy - they don't work - honestly believe me - my other nanny thought freckles were evil and tried everything including those mentioned above to get rid of my freckles!

Why? Freckles are pretty.

^^^^^^^ not on a 60 year old man !!

Didn't you have skin cancer? I would be very wary about putting anything on freckles but can't you just use makeup

Surely freckles are small and in my opinion freckles are pretty.  My freckles now have been replaced by age spots  - not so pretty!  

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Had it removed, it was benign, came back, used Efudix, peeled off, come back again but not as dark, Efudix didn't work this time.  Just vain, sorry.  I also used Efudix on another larger freckle which was pre cancer, the Efudix scabbed over and this 'freckle' has now gone.  Too much sun damage when I was young.... Thanks all. 

Lemon juice won't help, better buy a product that includes AHA toners, or trichloroacetic acid, it may help, but it's never 100 %, better consult with a cosmetologist;currency=EUR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_or

That product  ^^^^^^^ is to add freckles,  hmmm!

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