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Who Else Did Something Daft Yesterday?? Lol

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Smowball | 09:04 Wed 24th Apr 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Yesterday  MrSmow was up in his office upstairs on an important  video call,&  I was doing various bits downstairs. Opened back patio doors slightly for a bit of fresh air , then walked to front of house to get the post from the porch. As I opened front door & stepped into porch the wind (from open patio door behind) came thru & slammed front door behind me. So I'm stood in porch in bare feet, with no keys or any way to get in house lol. Mr Smow was on this  video call so I knew I couldn't start ringing doorbell etc....  did debate walking round the back of the house &  seeing if someone could lend me a ladder to try & scale the back wall & climb into the garden that way, but I thought knowing my luck I'd probably end up marooned on the top & MrSmow would end up looking out of his office window to see the fire brigade trying to rescue his wife from the top of a 7 foot brick wall!!

So I abandoned that idea lol. Hoping he mite be off the fone now I rang doorbell but still no joy, then luckily I realised that I had my mobile in my back pocket. so I sent him a message on WhatsApp, which he checks quite frequently. After about half an hour I could see message had been read, to which he quickly replied 'of for gods sake you daft c*w! I'm just finishing a call - will be down in a sec!'....  to which he finally came and opened the front door to a rather sheepish me stood there blooming freezing with bare feet lol! Well at least there was a huge wicker basket in porch so I managed to sit on that whilst admiring the outside! : ) : ) : ) 



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Lol Smow. Thanks for giving me the first chuckle of the day. x

Put a spare key in the wicker basket, then when you're locked out again, no problem! 😆

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Am glad of that at least Barsel lol!

Patsy, you know I've always been wary of that but think I mite have to! The in-laws have a spare key but they are in midst of moving and will be over an hour away soon....

Oh dear! Smow. I know how you feel, as I did the same (three times in fact) before I decided to have a key safe installed in the porch. I just have to remember the safe key number now 🤔

I'd have called his mobile and got him to leave the call for 30 seconds and nip down the stairs.  That's not beyond the realms of possibility.  You're too good to him, smow.

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That's the thing Clementino - I'd then have to hide another note with the number to the key safe! lol.

I know Naomi, I just though he mite have put  fone on silent ... (shud have borrowed a ladder and appeared at his office window! LOL!)

It's good that you can look back and LOL now, but I guess it wasn't so funny at the time!.

Ever thought of writing comedy sketches ?.


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Its just natures way of saying "take care, it could be worse"

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Who Else Did Something Daft Yesterday?? Lol

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