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Cycling Term - T D F....

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ToraToraTora | 22:27 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | Sport
3 Answers

Just watching the TDF highlights. What is the name for a group of riders from different teams that work together at the back to avoid elimination. Usually the sprinters in the mountain stages. I have googled but all I get is a load of things I'm not looking for. Thanks.🚴‍♀️



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Gruppetto – A group of riders that form at the back of the field on mountain stages, who ride at a pace that allows them to finish just inside the time limit (see Time Cut).
22:32 Sun 30th Jun 2024

Gruppetto – A group of riders that form at the back of the field on mountain stages, who ride at a pace that allows them to finish just inside the time limit (see Time Cut).

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That wasn't the one I had in mind but it does mean the same. I googled that and it also said "Autobus" - that was the one I was thinking of. Thanks.

You're welcome TTT

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Cycling Term - T D F....

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