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Back Gate Broken By People Climbing Over Alleygate - The Councils Fault

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joko | 16:51 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | How it Works
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back gate broken by people climbing over alleygate - the councils fault

some years ago, the sewers under alley at the back of my house overflowed & caused the paving slabs to collapse.
The council removed my back wall & back gate.
They rebuilt it & put a new back gate on - in a slightly different place, but fine.

However years later, alley gates were introduced & they asked if id mind my back gate not being inside the alleygate as it was further forward than the side of the house opposite.
I said no, i want my back gate to be inside the alleygate.
I assumed theyd extend the metal of the alleygate, but they just installed it on a weird angle.
still works so no problem
or so i thought.

Now, people use my back gate to get over the alleygate.
It a perfect place to pull up.
theres also my 2ft front yard wall to make it even more convenient.
But again, not a problem - theyd climb no matter what.

However the constant climbing etc made my gate bend down, the wood along the top just fell apart & eventually the whole gate fell off - hinges, bolts, padlock etc all bent/damaged.
then people started to just come into my yard & use my garden chairs, plantpots etc to climb over

so after a while my brother put it back on just in place, it doesnt open at all.
not a problem as I rarely used it anyway.
But the climbing / damage problem remains.
I can see the damage getting worse.

so can i insist the council either -
install a metal or metal edged back gate that wont bend or splinter,
or periodically replace my back gate,
or pay to replace it when it needs it,
Or rebuild the wall with the back gate in the oirginal place?

I m wondering who/where id write to?
Is there a dept that deal with this - because it seems like a number of depts - sewers, alleys/alleygates, building, maintenance, etc etc, maybe even just a compensation for costs dept??

I wouldnt mind if they just installed anti climb measures - the black paint stuff, wobbly edge, even spikey stuff.
But ive heard that, in an emergency, people could be harmed.
I wouldnt mind so much but i live alone & the lower back part of the house is unused so i wouldnt know or even hear if anyone tried to break in or smashed the window etc

any ideas?
Thanks :)





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Worth trying. After all, it's their fault for moving your gate without you requesting it, and they not having considered the consequences all down the line. Worst result is they refuse to sort their mess. Best is that they do sort it.

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