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Turmeric, Anyone Tried It?

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sandyRoe | 15:52 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
21 Answers

I was wondering if it has any effect as an anti-inflammatory.



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I have heard and read many claims about the positives effects of tumeric over the past ten years but I have my doubts.

However, there is no suggestion that it can do harm so it might be worth trying for a few months.

Tumeric is a very common ingredient in food in India but the Indian Times reports:

"Our country is seeing an epidemic of arthritis, and its incidence in the Indian population is believed to be much higher than what is found in Western nations."


I eat a lot of it but sadly my joints still suffer.  Of course maybe they would be worse if I didnt?

It goes well with Gin.

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I suppose it would do no harm to try it for a month or so.

I'll have a look into Holland & Barrett the next time I'm in town.

Asian shops will have it - and cheaper.

I bought some capsules but found out that because I am on blood-thinners I shouldn't take turmeric. Apparently it reacts with a lot of medications. Check it out first if you are on other medicines

Turmeric spice would need to be consumed in large quantities to be effective. What is effective is curcumin, which is a concentrated extract.

I've been doing a fair amount of research recently so have learned a bit. I started taking the extract in capsule form earlier this year...I did get some relief but I didn't stick with it. I never took the full dose.

I resumed it a month or so ago, and after reading about the different, more effective forms that have been developed, have invested in what may be a more effective type. Due from Amazon later today in fact.

I'm well aware that what works for one person may not help another. 

If you look at the wiki page for turmeric you'll find it quite interesting I think Sandy.

I'ver been taking tabelets for about a month now but no difference in anything. Was tempted to try the shots but they are very expensive. Even half price they are £35 per month.

If it does prove to be an effective anti inflammatory,  Sandy, maybe someone could sprinkle a handful over the balloons on here. 😐

Medicine is studied at Medical School or University not Secodary School at age 16

Sorry wrong post

Yes I take tumeric cucumin and black pepper capsules. Has to be those 3 ingredients. I suffered terribly all my life with back problems. I've been taking them for 2 years now, and I've had no back problems since.  A miracle for me.

I understand that turméic should not be taken if you are on any sort of blood thinners.

I would like more information about this as I would like to take it but i am on Apixoban.  But you have to dig deep to find any facts about contra indications.

Sorry Andre's- I didn't notice you'd said the same thing.

^^^^Rosie  that's ok. I am glad that someone else has noticed this. Actually tumeric has a lot of interactions with other medicines. My doctor advised me about it. 

try it and see. ( god I think I got deleted the last time I wrote that) ( unmimsy indeed!)

it IS associated with low rates of Ca colon ( small antibiotic / antiseptic activity ) but you are talking about 20 y use

However, there is no suggestion that it can do harm so it might be worth trying for a few months.

hey this is the one that deleted me when i said try it and see over dog worming tabs ( fenbendazole!)

fair's fair boys and girls

My mum's been taking it for yonks and it hasn't done a sausage.

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