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Very Disappointed

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JinnyJoan | 17:24 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
16 Answers

Just in from private GP who just told me that the pain from my feet and legs is anaemia but wanted the exact names of the anaemia ie B12, CK (don't know what that is) oh other names and wants me to get these from my own GP where I got the blood test.    He says the pain could come from lack of certain vitamins ie Vit D, B12 and so on.  This conversation cost me £140 of which I know a good bit about.  Now I have to ask my GP for the names of the anaemia and I am a little embarrassed having to do this.  

I did think I could have got some kind of help - he suggested paracetamol that you can buy by the 100s, rubs I have spent hundreds on and so on.

I did think he could have given me some kind of "special" rub or injection and so on.  He has also told me to take up some physical therapy - he said that will help me greatly.

So came away very sad and still in the same pain I went to him in.  Have tried everything now.  



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how much paracetamol are you taking in a day - the full dose?


Did you have a copy of the blood tests to take to the new doctor? Your old doctor should have told you the type of anaemia you have

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calmc - that's what he wants me to get tomorrow


bednobs - absolutely no faith in those paracetamol so don't take any cos they never helped me before.  

There are 10 different types of anaemia. Some you will not be diagnosed with because of your race. The diagnosis of the type depends on the blood results

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I could cry my eyes out - but do feel guilty cos I know there are 1000s of people out there worse off than me.

I just want to walk my wee dog.

I think your own GP might be a bit annoyed that you have gone to a private doctor - it seems rather a waste of money.

That's very disappointing, JJ.  I feel for you 

Take 2 x 500mg paracetamol, four times a day for a week and then see how you feel. Just because they 'didn't work' before doesn't mean they won't help now.

Do whatever you can to help yourself including physiotherapy.

Personally I wouldn't have wasted my money on a private GP, just keep seeing your own GP and explain how things are for you. And keep at it if you're not happy, and get them to explain everything thoroughly that you don't understand, including whatever sort of anaemia you have and what can be done.

No GP can give you a 'special rub' or any other special treatment, they can only treat what you tell them and what shows up in any tests, including blood tests.

so you say you've tried everything but you havent even tried the basics!

Surely if you have anaemia you will be getting treatment for it? Ask your GP practice to print off a patient summary for you. This will have a list of all your problems, medications, blood test results and your last three GP consultations. I assume it is the same in NI as in England 🤔

It took a hospital admission to find out the type of anaemia I have.  Some medicines needed are not iron or B12 but other vitamins as well. Once you know the type of anaemia it should be possible to treat or alleviate the symptoms

Come on JJ. Pick yourself up,get the necessary results from your doctor and once the exact type of anaemia is determined then you will be put on the correct treatment. Think positively. x

The best treatment for pain on exercise is do slightly more until you build up your tolerance.  Unlikely to be just anaemia, get that clarified.  Joint pains are often linked to vit d deficiency, make sure you had levels done, You need your joints xrayed if not done already to see how much is due to wear and tear especially as pain in joints can cause pain in muscles by affecting how you stand and move.

Also perception of pain is linked to mood and psychological make up.  Those who retain a positive approach tend to score lower for pain than those who focus on it in negative way.  You can  come across as a little negative at times and that really can make pain seem worse.


Your GP should not be suggesting you buy Paracetamol " by the 100s".

Keep at him about your anaemia and legs and feet and hopefully between the two of you, you'll find a remedy.

I would avoid the private GP.

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well Rowan you're right I am negative and am getting worse with the pain when I know I can't do the things I used to do.

I have had a painful life from when I was 21 when I was shot twice in the leg from a passing car during the troubles and basically got no sympathy from siblings as they didn't know how to handle it.  My dad was dying and he didn't know for 2 days.  My mother was distracted because I worked in a very Protestant environment and me being a Catholic - she was worried in case I lost my job.  on her grief I hobbled back to work one month later and one bitter bastarewed said that I was in the IRA.  At that age I hadn't the wit to report her so that went unheard of in Personnel. Some years later  I passed my driving test and bought a wreck of a car and the brakes failed and the car somersaulted over twice- another motorist was able to trail me (I was very thin) out through the broken window and brought me to a police station.  I was cleaning windows at the back of the house and fell off ladders and broke my forearm and was in hospital for a week with 7 or 8 staples in my arm.  I was knocked down in 2017 and collar bone and shoulder blade were broken - didnt get a halfpenny.  My brother was drunk and had just broken up with a girl and we only had an outside toilet - he fell down and went through a glass door at the bottom of the stairs and paralysed his arm.  I jumped over his body that night in my bare feet over broken glass and luckily got a wealthy family to phone for an ambulance.  I saved his life.  I came home one night from a dance - first one home and my mother had her head in the gas oven - the oven was cast iron but I was able to lift it off her.  I went home one lunch time from work 18 Dec to get dressed for christmas dinner for work and while the traffic was steady I was hit by a juggernaut - he was very high up and didn't see me below - I hit the car in front and that car hit the car in front of it.  I was able to get out of the car but went to hospital next day and had many lumps in my head and black and blue marks on my thighs.

Just there in 2023 my own car hand brake failed at my drive way ( sold a bad car by a bad person) and I was taking messages out - the car rolled down the slope and forced me to the other side of the street with car stopped at my privates.  Some neighbours were out having a smoke and they helped me.  Broke 2 toes and so on.

I got a visit from a lady this week regarding the Troubles who wanted to know more detail regarding the shooting and I think it has all brought back many memories of the night of which I remember in great detail.  Got £200 for that.

So Rowan I could go on and on but do think that some of that past has led me to so much negativity and depression.  And it sorta never leaves me.  By the way all of the incidents naturally took place within years.

Don't want to bore you all with anything else and believe me there is.  but that I guess helps with the negativity.  boring me.

JJ - you are not boring in the slightest. That is a catalogue of catastrophes that anyone would find difficult to deal with. Have you been assessed for PTSD? It might be worth mentioning to your GP.

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