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Hazlinny | 10:06 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
29 Answers

Has anyone suffered from this and, if so, how  long did it last?
Have consulted GP who will refer me to ENT specialist if it does not stop - horrible, almost continuous, piercing ringing noise in left ear.



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I've had it for at least 15 years, as have most of the other musicians I know from the days when we played in front of vast amplifier stacks. Although it's possible that it could be related to infection or physical injury, it's usually caused by changes in the way the brain interprets signals (or lack of signals) from the ears. In this latter case, ENT specialists are not much help.

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Thanks ... had similar (but to much lesser degree) in right ear about 10 years ago  .. MRI scan revealed nothing - and it eventually stopped.

I absolutely hate to tell you this, but tinnitus in incurable.

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Yes Sinead I had read this!  However, it did go away before and keeping fingers crossed ... otherwise I might go mad! 😊

Although it's usually incurable, that doesn't mean it's untreatable. The treatments usually focus on training the brain to avoid focusing on it, or providing some alternative auditory stimulation. Just don't be fooled by all the snake oil gadgets that are advertised on the internet as miracle cures. 

Don't give up hope Hazlinny.

I had it in my fifties, 35 years ago.  It stopped after a while but I can't remember how many years I suffered from it.  

However, if I suddenly rapidly turn over in bed it will still happen now but as soon as I lie still, it stops.

So no tossing around in bed OK!

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Noted Ladybirder! 🛏  When I'm asleep, I don't kmow if the ringing is still there but it does start in the morning.  Am not joking when I say it almost knocks me sideways with that piercing ring.

Despite the many medications available for tinnitus, it remains an elusive ailment. Also, despite vast research, there is no ENT-endorsed remedy. I've personally experienced much improvement in the last two years. My best observation is that it is environment-related. By deciding to make an improved acoustic environment a priority, a person can see almost immediate (although gradual) results.

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^^ /improved acoustic environment/  I'm not quite sure what you mean - sorry.  Is it noise interfering? 

Depending on your daily activities, surroundings, and destinations, you may have little or plenty of control over your environment. Acoustic basically means sound-related. The objective is to avoid or reduce excessive noise levels, reverberation, and echoes.

I find that mine is worse when I'm very tired

Yes, but mildly. Not officially diagnosed, but I hear it whenever I think of it, my brain ignores it most of the time. Hasn't gone away since the moment it started.

I've had it for over 30 years and have learnt to live with it, without it impacting my life. You just learn to tune out and focus on other things.

Strong medication can cause tinnitus and it is incurable - just like vertigo - also incurable.  Any tablets they give you don't work.  

when I get mine - mine sounds like a bee buzzing in and out - bloody awful.  cousin sounds like a tumble dryer - she has been suffering for years too.  

I have had tinnitus for 25 years. I learned to ignore it, and although it is still there, it no longer bothers me.


I don't believe its like vertigo, which I've had.

Vertigo can be treated and go away, tinnitus can't.

Well mine has, almost so that I can say it doesn't exist.  I can't be the only one surely?  Once in a Blue Moon now.  

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Thanks for sharing  ...  at present, I can't ignore it as it is so forceful - I live in a quiet environment and medication hasn't been changed recently.  GP did comment that it can be a symptom of more serious problems and, for that reason, she would consider referring me to ENT.

I do hope you can get it sorted Haz, and quickly.  xx

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