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Ear Syringing Anyone Had It Done, Does It Work?

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johnk | 06:45 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

Does it hurt?

How much does it cost

Where's the best place to get it done



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I've had the syringe which isn't often done these days and the suction.  It works and doesn't hurt.

Some GP practices do it.  Mine no longer does so I go to Boots hearing centre

Where I live, you make an appointment to see a nurse at the gp surgery. She looks in your ears and if deemed necessary, she then makes a referral to Specsavers who hold an ear syringing clinic at a sister surgery once a month. It doesn't cost anything.

No it doesn't hurt at all, in fact I rather enjoy it 😁

Amplifon charge £80 to do it, unless you're a new customer and they might be able sell some hearing aids. A local smaller place £70 quoted for both or £40 for one. Another retired independent who'd converted his garage £30 per ear and you can watch it all on his computer screen, all but the last one do it by suction, he will only syringe as a last resort. We bought a little camera thing that fits on to a smartphone and can have a look inside your ears, wouldn't dream of trying to remove it myself.

Boots charge £30 per ear

I had it done by suction at Specsavers as my GP's surgery no longer offers it.  It's a few years ago and I think it was about £55 but may be more expensive now.  It was slightly uncomfortable at times but not painful.

No it tickles

£60 - both ears - I regard this as A LOT !

Lovermyears Manchester Piccadilly - but all places are a much or a muchness

We go to Hear for Norfolk. It's free with a referral from GP or £50 if you want to cut out that step.

Is it a "while-u-wait" service?

i got mine done by an audiologist - think it was £60 only for one ear.  No - no pain.

actually I said to him I didn't feel anything and would you believe it urgh - he showed me the wax in a little plastic bag.

 I get mine syringed at my doctors surgery with the nurses. You need to put olive oil in the ears to soften the was to make the syringe easier. It is free with the NHS.

 The syringing does not take long and it does not hurt. 

I have had it done many times over the decades.

GP used to do it, but now no longer does.  

I've had it done at the specialist hearing centre in my local hospital, and that was certainly the best experience.  

However, I have also been to Specsavers hearing clinic to have it done, and it is just as efficient, although suction machinery was slightly more noisy than the hospital.  

Well worth getting it done if earwax is a problem for you. 

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Thanks everyone, I'll try the doctors first.

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