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Fao Sandyroe

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pastafreak | 10:59 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
1 Answers

Apologies...I only stumbled on your question at 1:30am...this morning. As Barry said, curcumin is not an ingredient. It's a compound in turmeric, and it's the extract of curcumin that's said to be effective. You should look for 'curcumin 95' with Bioperine(tm). That's the concentration of curcuminoids plus black pepper extract. There are quite a few on amazon... User Recommendationref=sr_1_9?crid=2WMS555TPVGER&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Em184yJ_SCRNX3Li-RMdabFSQKuueYKKd8V7qMQy3nZCMHS3OuKv-oH1EAXfUhV1QPTI7gZCbfYoDQuq-IKcatOIEnI1zEFKVEqfkeKyHY1PzXPqqaWgW498jqx2d9HbkLBrCVck-nrnDz8r5e4Bp6h3XHydY5hirpYJKnH6zU6F664zrztXabPOiUHXrAoUFtNVubyOe5GJZFGE9LZlvCbzwZ9Rll-i6_p289dyRmvVC61mi5nmVXtwoSUHouZqmY9yjTH5VvOMq3GFScJyYZNv1WQy1Sa8PHySXYTZwIw.NbuWdvYLKI9glKV9ooPAozTRnx9xHkf_C2pYrczmPOM&dib_tag=se&keywords=curcumin+c3+complex+with+bioperine&qid=1722678845&s=drugstore&sprefix=Curcumin+c3%2Cdrugstore%2C104&sr=1-9





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Thank you.

I'll look at the link in the morning.

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Fao Sandyroe

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