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Clonazipam, Diazipam, Alcol

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nailedit | 01:05 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
13 Answers

will i wake up in thev morning?

Just want go sleep now.



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Call 111

Talk to someone 


Can you get yourself to a hospital or phone an ambulance?

If anything was to happen to you think how your family would feel.



Especially your grand daughter - so don't you dare 

Let us know when you've awoken.

Are you awake yet, nailedit?  If so, you are probably not feeling very well.  I dearly hope that you are receiving this.

Seriously, nailedit. Please post......... you can't have taken that much    .... you'd have told us!

Question Author

Sorry for any distress.

Yes did have them all. Got a high tolerance anyway.

And yes, cannot remember posting this. Just had a really bad day and had chemicals to hand. Apologies!

Pleased to hear you are still here. Keep trying for your family and friends

Don't be mixing those.  It doesn't take much to cause big trouble.

Good to hear you're still around.

Consider adding sex and rock n roll to your regime. 🎸

agreed,it'll make you a more rounded person :)

Ah, good to see you posting again, mate !! I thought I might have to come over and sort you out don't go scaring us again please xx

Behave yourself, nailedit. 

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Clonazipam, Diazipam, Alcol

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