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mallyh | 11:14 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

i'm having dentures fitted soon ,how long does it take to get use to them x



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mally - this is beside the point but my neighbour got a full mouth full of upper and downer implants on Friday.  I saw them yesterday and unlike my own which were done 7 years ago - hers are not dentures they are temporary screws ins - I saw the screws so when her time is up in 5 months is up all the dentist will have to do is unscrew the temps and put the new ones in - these ones are simply divine.  I got dentures to be taken in and out when I had mine done.  

Mally it depends on what kind of a patient you are - I have many friends who wear them and without a bother and others - some annoy them.


So good luck for you.

How much did that cost, JJ?

I've had mine for 5 years and still hate them.  I'm currently mustering up the resolve (and cash) to have implants

barry in my day - i think they were over £20,000 - have just found they are now £16,000 - well worth it.  Another friend at this same time went to Budapest to get cheaper.  Well worth getting them done in Belfast for that extra

I'm keeping my teeth for as long as I can

I only got 4 implants - the 4 front teeth - I have the rest of my own too but looking at those yesterday I would have love to have the nerve and money to get them done and also if I was younger too.

They truly are lovely - I'm a lip reader and they look so natural - I always tell the difference between false and real teeth.

The permanent ones will look even better 

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i can't afford implants at £3000 a tooth but i may go for the private dentures after watching a video of the difference with NHS dentures x

What's the difference between private and NHS dentures 

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different material used ,last longer ,fit better x

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oh yes and double the price x


mallyh, have you tried shopping around? Prices vary a lot. I recently had a row of seven teeth - two bridges on three new implants (and one old one) - for about £6000.


Jno. If you don't mind, would you give the name of the dentist that did yours? If you do, don't worry.

rocky, he's in High Wycombe, which is 30 miles from me but I think he's worth it. If that's an option, try the Wycombe Dental Clinic.

Thanks Jno. I'll have a look. Might be a bit too far for me. I'm on the other side of London. 

Have a look a Evo dental.  Heathrow. 

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