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Bell’s Palsy Or Stroke?

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april1693 | 16:55 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

My neighbour rang me a few days ago and was trying to ask me a question but couldn't get her words out (if I didn't know she was teetotal I would have said she'd been drinking) but as the conversation continued and I tried to assess the situation she began to speak normally again. Fast forward to today when I popped in to pick up a parcel. She greeted me as normal but when she returned from retrieving the parcel I noticed the right side of her mouth was slightly drooping and again her speech was slurring. I expressed my concerns and asked her to raise her arms which she did, after passing the parcel to me with her right hand. I pointed out her droopy mouth and she vigorously rubbed the side of her face (with her right hand) and said "oh this happens sometimes" I'm really worried about her as she lives alone but I don't want to interfere. Am I paranoid? 



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I don't know if you've read this

If you know her well enough to have her phone number and express concern you should feel comfortable advising her to see her GP, maybe offer to take her.  It's good to look out for our neighbours

You don't say how old she is, but it might be a good idea for her to get a doctor's opinion.  My optician last year referred me for a scan when noticing a blind spot in my vision and a scan revealed a minor stroke (TIA) for which I now take regular medication (I'm 82).  Better safe than sorry.

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Thank you folks. She is 82 and fiercely independent. I popped in again to see her a few minutes ago and she is baking a cake! I did tell her I was concerned but she brushed it off, I think I will talk to her nephew and let him know what happened.

Like Canary, I imediately suspected a TIA - my mother suffered from them.  I think you'd be doing the right thing to speak to the nephew and he should know how to get her to her GP.

My immediate reaction was it sounds like a mini stroke - my husband had one in 2019.  His words were very slurred and save for extreme tiredness, there were no other symptoms.  He recovered quite quickly.  It would be worth getting checked out to make sure that there is nothing that might lead to a bigger more catastrophic stroke.

I would counsel against speaking to her nephew at this stage.  A fiercely independent lady may not thank you for it.  If you go onto the Stroke Association website there is info there about mini strokes.  If you present her with actual information from a source of authority (you can download all of their info) that is the only thing likely to change her mind.

stroke and Bell’s palsy?

Dr. Miller: When someone has Bell’s palsy, their facial muscles are the only part of the body that is impacted. This is different from stroke, which can impact vision and mobility in your arms and legs. We use the FAST acronym (Face drooping, Arm weakness, slurred Speech, Time to call 911) to identify key stroke indicators. Bell’s palsy may cause other symptoms that can help your doctor easily diagnose including:

Tingling in or around the ear

Loss of taste

Trouble eating or closing your mouth

Facial drooping that comes on slowly

Eye issues (trouble closing the eye or raising eyebrows)

Q: Are some people more at risk for Bell’s palsy than others?

Dr. Miller: Yes. Some health factors that can put you at greater risk include:




Chronic respiratory issues

TIA should recover within 15 mins. You can have a lot of them in usccession ( serious) 

Bells Palsy is facial only - no skin involvement and lasts - like three months.

someone above has included a much more advanced essay on Cr N VII ( facial muscles) and  Cr n IX ( ear but NOT hearing) interaction. Extremely unmimsy but wont be deleted as it was by a mod. This can be ignored by the average ABer. 

I wd leave well alone: you cant live her life for her.

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