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Cataract Surgery Private

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david small | 10:02 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

Anyone had this procedure? Cost, time, competency, any information would be appreciated.



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I had both my cataracts done on the NHS. Very quick, efficient and effective. Save your money.

I would only consider paying for this if the NHS waiting list was too long.

It's a routine procedure done under local anaesthetic and usually takes up to 45 minutes, home same day 



Cataract surgery involves replacing the lens in the eye with a plastic one. Unlike the natural lens, the replacement cannot be focussed so you are given the choice of a lens for distance or reading and you have to wear specs to do the other. If you have a private operation you can opt for a focussable lens (extra cost) but I heard that people have more trouble with this than with a fixed lens.

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Thank you responders. Waiting list at least eighteen weeks if lucky.

You can opt for monovision.  One eye focussed on reading, the other for distance.

Many people have this naturally and don't realise it.  If you wanted this you could have a 'trial run' by wearing a contact lens in one eye for a few days.

Most people adapt quickly but some never do.

I would opt for that if I could have the operation 

I was sent to a private hospital, Spa Medica, which, when not busy takes NHS patients. Beautiful place, everyone so kind and caring.  My worst eye done first and then 2-3 months later the other eye.  I remember the first eye op when I could see the doctor's face as she leaned over me and pulled at the cataract which made me stiffen in horror LOL. It didn't hurt and was all over very quickly.  You have to wait a while before you are allowed to leave the clinic unless you have a driver coming to collect you.  Luckily I did.  I didn't realise how unclear my vision was until the first time I took off my dressing and WOW.  

David have it done, I seriously doubt you would regret it.

Hi. I had my first cataract done last Wednesday the 7th. I chose Newmedica in Aston, Birmingham. NHS, three weeks from referral to the procedure. I could see a car number plate at 20 metres the next day. I can't believe how good my distance sight is. I'm having the other eye done, hopefully before too long and I won't need distance glasses for the first time in 65 years but will need them for reading. I can't fault the clinic, it was like a well oiled machine, the staff were all friendly and caring. The actual op took around 10 minutes and thanks to drops put in wasn't at all painful. I left five minutes later- my son was driving. 

How fab, roo :)  

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Thank you all. It's for my wife. She has decided to go private for a quicker procedure.

I went private nearly 3 years ago because the NHS waiting list was at least 2 years.  Appointment time 8.30 a m, home before 12. Piece of cake!  Cost then was approx £2800.

No, don't go private, no need to.

Go to Specsavers or similar and get referred by them (through the NHS).

They said to me it would be at least six months on the NHS or we can refer you to a private company working with the NHS, called Optegra. I got my pre-op assessment date before I walked home (15 mins) and had had both eyes done (at different times) within  4 months.

My husband was also referred by an optician after a routine eye test.  It wasn't quite as quick as Captain's but his operation happened within a few weeks.  It was at a private clinic but through the NHS.

it's the NHS's most successful operation; but by the sound of the posts so far, waiting lists vary a lot. I waited a couple of months for the first, then another couple for the second, but I gather they often do both eyes together these days. I had a general anesthetic for mine.

I've no personal experience but, as only one of the previous answers mentions the cost of private treatment, I'll tell you that our local Nuffield hospital has a guide price of £3,118 for cataract surgery on one eye with a standard lens:

that seems to be approximately the Moorfields Eye Hospital price too

There's a short list of prices at different clinics here

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