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barry1010 | 12:49 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Visual acuity recorded as 6/18.    Is that worse than 6/60 or better?  



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isn't it the clarity of vision at x ft for each eye?

so 6ft for one eye and 18 or 60 ft for the other.

60 better than 18?

Question Author

That is the result for one eye,  the other eye is recorded as HM (hand movement only)

The larger the second number, the worse the vision. If vision is 20/40 (6/12), the person can read at 20 ft (6 m) what people with normal vision can read at 40 ft (12 m). If vision is 20/60 (6/18), the person can read at 20 ft (6 m) what people with normal vision can read at 60 ft (18 m).

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I'm trying to understand how well my oldster can see, I can't rely on what he tells me and it is important to have an idea of how good or bad his sight is

presumably 6/18 is a lot better than 6/6

and "With the right corrective measure, the vision can often be improved to 6/6 or 20/20, which is considered normal visual acuity."


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Thanks, dave

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