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Pregnancy And Genital Warts

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Pashha | 17:39 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

I'm 38 weeks pregnant and just felt some bumps on/around my anus! I'm terrified. I think they're anal warts. I don't know how to speak to my husband about it or healthcare provider! I'm so embarrassed! We've been together for over 2 years and very faithful! So I don't know how this has happened!! How do I speak to him and them??? 



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Haemorrhoids are very common in pregnancy - that's my guess.  Don't be embarassed, the healthcare providers are very used to seeing them.  Get it looked at so you can start the treatment.  It's nothing at all to worry about

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I had Haemorrhoids during my last pregnancy 11 years ago. These look nothing like them! Everything I've looked at read points to warts. I don't know how I haven't felt them before! They don't look new!! 

Speak to your healthcare provider.  Don't be embarrassed.  He/she will have seen it all before.

Genital warts are very common so no need to be embarassed. 

Nothing to be ashamed of. Don't panic.

You could have had these for a long time and not noticed them. First you must speak to your  midwife she will have seen this before. They might take a swab to confirm diagnosis. Your partner might have had them for ages and never noticed them. HPV does not pass to the baby in utero or delivery. 

Skin tags ?


(BTW I don't think one's anus is usually considered to be part of your genitals.)

Just mention it to your midwife... She won't mind, if you can't say it out loud  write it on a piece of paper and let her read it.  Almost certainly skin tags  they can become more obvious during pregnancy, or develop where there weren't any before, they should get a bit smaller when your hormones get back to normal.

Speak to your healthcare provider.  Don't be embarrassed.  He/she will have seen it all before.

yup. You are 38 weeks and almost "there" - so there will be plenty of time to mention it to a midwife or doctor when you are in labour

nothing to be done now. they  will probably say, wait and see, and  then attend to it sometime in  the 6 weeks after the baby arrives ( post partum period)

oops thx rowan got  there first

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