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Medical Records

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fruitsalad | 16:26 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Mr Fruit  went back into hospital, Monday after his fall from some scaffolding, due to the headaches, dizziness and being sick a few times, they have done the ct scan again and it doesn't show any change, which is good, means it hasn't got any worse, but now they want to do an mri for the more indepth image, but due to him having a pacemaker, I had to drive all the way home again yesterday to collect the information, regarding his pacemaker, which type it was model number, etc etc, now today they need the last readings of when it was checked in July, well we don't have these, can they not just look at his medical records and find all this stuff out, if you were arrested, they can soon look back and see what crimes you have commited in the past, so why not the same with medical records.



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I would have thought they would have full access to medical records.  How do they manage if the patient has no relatives? 

Mind you, I had a collapsed lung years ago and still have the scar to prove it.  The same hospital denies I was ever treated for that.

Is it the same hospital?  If not they might not be fully on the spine which enables sharing. Probably thought it would be quicker to use the info given to your OH rather than spend ages dying to get through to the right department

A few years ago we were  asked to give pemission for all our medical records to be put online. Then if we ere involved in accidents or taken ill then our records could be accessed wherever we were in the country but  apparently not. Different Health Authorities can't always access each others records

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No not same hospital, the pacemaker info is the heart hospital

Your husband needs to consent to Shared Care, that way his GP records can be viewed by the hospital. His GP should have copies of all hospital letters.

I wish you and your husband well.

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