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So Must We All Suffer For A Few Eejits?

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ToraToraTora | 15:16 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

Anyone causing problems whilst drunk should be banned from ever flying again. Why should the vast majority be restricted for a few plonkers who can't hold there drink?



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2 drinks would be enough for me while waiting for a flight. Imposing a limit won't stop some getting tanked up before they reach the airport.

Just ensure the pilots don't drink & fly.


How are they intending monitoring it anyway ? 2 drinks at one bar, 2 drinks at another, another two at a third... Or send different individuals up for each round. Whatever. 

I wouldn't object to that - unless I had a very long flight delay.

OG, I've suggested before that scanning codes be carried on boarding passes.  Simple.

There may be increased sales of hip flasks and the like, in that case.

I know there are some people who like to have a drink at the airport before take-off to calm their nerves but others, especially hen and stag night party travellers, seem to think it is a requisite to fuel themselves with alcohol.  Very recently, newspapers have reported planes being diverted because of trouble aboard, police meeting planes at foreign resorts, passengers being terrified, etc. etc.  Most holidays to places like Spain, Ibiza, etc. are only a 3 hr. or so flight away from UK - can they not wait till they arrive at their destination?  Ceasing selling on alcohol on board might also be an answer.  Some US airlines offer tea/coffee/biscuits on short-haul flights!

Breathalyzers at the boarding gates might help! So would only be able to board if you had x amount of alcohol in yr blood!

Eventually no alcohol will be served on planes at all.

Just shut down all the bars at the airport, that should do it....

piggynose, you should only be allowed on if you have x amount of blood in your alcohol...

Before any action like this the airlines need to implment a World database of people they will no longer carry due to Police being called to a plane.

Do that, with a lifetime ban, and the problem will go away quickly.

It might seem like a good idea, but how would the airport authoroties implement it? Who is going to follow people around to ensure they only have two drinks? What other way could it be done? There's more than one bar at most airports. Some sort of pre-pay voucher system limited to 2 vouchers per person? No voucher, no drink, no cash used. How would that go down with bar owners? Or customers?

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I was queueing at departure gate at Heathrow on one occasion when the guy in front dropped his pass - as he bent down to retrieve it he just slowly kept going and rolled on the floor. Cue for security to rush forward and help him away from the scene, obviously very drunk. He never boarded!

//So Must We All Suffer For A Few Eejits?//

Yes. It's unfortunately true in any aspect of life you might care to mention. That's the nature of eejits. They make us all suffer.

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